photo of jason, wearing a blue shirt and jacket, with a slight smile on his face. this is not the professionally retouched version, because that one makes jason's face look very smooth. jason is nearly in his forties, and is comfortable with having wrinkles.

Jason Kelley

Activism Director

In addition to focusing on student privacy, surveillance, and free speech issues, Jason ensures that EFF's campaigns are seen by as many people as possible. Before joining EFF, Jason managed marketing strategy and content for a software company that helps non-programmers learn to code, and advertising and marketing analytics for a student loan startup. Jason received his BA in English and Philosophy from Kent State University and an M.F.A. in creative writing from The University of the South. He tries daily to apply advice from his professor Sam Pickering, the inspiration for Robin Williams’ character in Dead Poets Society: “Take out the extra words. Make it go quicker.”

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415-436-9333 x189
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young EFF'ers show phones with security icons

Thousands of Young People Told Us Why the Kids Online Safety Act Will Be Harmful to Minors

With KOSA passed, the information i can access as a minor will be limited and censored, under the guise of "protecting me", which is the responsibility of my parents, NOT the government. I have learned so much about the world and about myself through social media, and without the diverse...